
Can I defer my first year CAO offer until next year?

For information and the application for the Deferred Entry process for CAO applicants, please see our Deferred Entry​ page. Please read through the information carefully, then fill in the "Make Deferred Entry Application" form.

Please note that you will need to provide the reason for your deferral request and pay a €50 application fee to submit your request. Do not accept your offer on the CAO website if you are submitting a deferred entry application.

It is not always possible to d​efer entry, and we cannot guarantee that the programme will run next year, that it will not be amended, or that the student fees will not change.

If you cannot find the answer to your question, or if you need additional support, contact us:

Last Updated: Nov 27th 2024 - Keywords: Defer   offer   CAO   - Views: 1013

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