
What software is available to use on PCs around campus?

If you are a registered student, please use this link which contains the most up to date information.  https://ucc-amc.ivanticloud.com/Modules/SelfService/#knowledgeBase/view/F154610A6FBC4443AE845EFA93798828

Open Access Lab PCs have the following software installed:

  • Internet Explorer
  • Chrome
  • Microsoft Office
    • Word
    • Access
    • Excel
    • PowerPoint
  • Adobe Acrobat Reader
  • SPSS
  • Read and Write
  • Endnote
  • Minitab
  • Audio Note Taker
  • Inspiration

Other software may be available depending on where the PC is located, e.g. the Enterprise Centre PCs have ArcGIS installed as there is a Geology course based there.

If you cannot find the answer to your question, or if you need additional support, contact us:

Last Updated: Mar 30th 2023 - Keywords: Software   PC   Applications   Available   Campus   - Views: 614

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