
Where can I find my timetable for my course?

If you are a registered student, please use this link which contains the most up to date information.  https://ucc-amc.ivanticloud.com/Modules/SelfService/#knowledgeBase/view/E7175D8B45124A01804A624262424812

You can find your timetable by using either MyTimetable or by looking up your Course Timetables. If you use the latter, your course timetable can be found by clicking “Programmes” and searching for your course by title or by changing parameters in the options provided.

If you cannot find the answer to your question, or if you need additional support, contact us:

Last Updated: Mar 30th 2023 - Keywords: Timetable   Class   Classes   Module   Modules   MyTimetable   Exam   Exam timetable   - Views: 2990

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