
What is the difference between an appeal and a recheck?

A recheck, which involves confirmation by a second internal examiner, is designed to ensure that all elements submitted for assessment/exam were considered and assessed, and that no errors occurred in the recording, collating, or combining of marks. The recheck also confirms that the summary mark presented to the examination board was correct.



An appeal is an opportunity for you to appeal the result of an exam/assessment on one of the following grounds:

  1. Evidence of substantive irregularity in the conduct of an examination.
  2. Considering, on stated grounds, that there is an error in a mark you have received. (Believing that you should have done better will not be accepted as grounds for an appeal).
  3. Circumstances of which the examination board was not aware when its decision was taken. 

Neither an appeal nor a recheck involves reassessment of the exam paper(s) or other submitted material.


There is a fee of €70 for an appeal, or €30 per module for a recheck. These are refunded if your appeal/recheck is successful.


More information about appeals and rechecks


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Last Updated: May 18th 2023 - Keywords: Results   Recheck   Appeal   - Views: 1779

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