
Where can I get an application form for Student Assistance Fund?

Student Assistance Fund Application Process

Step 1: Download Application form from the student assistance fund website. Complete paper form in full & sign.

Step 2: On the Student assistance Fund Website, click on the Self Assessment Tool link You are required to login using your UCC student details (your UCC student admin portal details - umail and password) and complete the online questionnaire.

Step 3: Gather all required documentation based on the questionnaire answers and submit full paper copies with the paper application form via post to Student Assistance Fund Office, 1st Floor, 1-2 Brighton Villas, Western Road, Cork, or you can place the envelope with your completed application in the drop box in the corridor outside our office.  This is the only way to apply.

We do not accept applications by email. Visits to the Student Assistance Fund are by appointment only through the following link weblink name: SAF Appointments 

If you cannot find the answer to your question, or if you need additional support, contact us:

Last Updated: Nov 13th 2019 - Keywords: Application   Assistance   Fund   Money   Financial Aid   Afford   - Views: 496

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