
Do I have to submit my thesis in person?

No, from January 2020 all theses of research programmes must be submitted electronically. Just one PDF copy of your thesis is required for examination, and must be submitted online here.


Paper copies of the thesis are no longer required, unless specifically requested by the Examiner. If your Examiner requests a paper copy of your thesis, you will be notified of this and required to submit a paper copy to the Graduate Studies Office.  


Along with your e-thesis you must upload a completed Submission for Examination Form, where you will choose the level of access required for your final thesis. You must read the Access Options Here, and agree the required level of access with your Supervisory Team. The Submission for Examination Form must be signed by all Supervisors and the Head of School/Department. 

After the examination, final submission of the thesis to the Library must also be done electronically. Log into CORA with your UCC IT account details (@umail.ucc.ie) and submit your abstract and thesis online. Hard copies of the final thesis are no longer required. 

Read full instructions for research thesis submission and examination here.

Please familiarise yourself with UCC's webpages for research students

If you cannot find the answer to your question, or if you need additional support, contact us:

Last Updated: Apr 28th 2023 - Keywords: Submit   person   thesis   - Views: 655

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